You make TALENT happen! Come and see the "voices" who think they are worthy of belting out to 1500* pairs of ears; or you've got the feet to step up to, don't let those talents be flow away down the drain of unknowns. Encourage the "Auditionees" by coming to....
Sunway Velvet Audition Evening
Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall(Sunway University College)
Date: Friday, 05.03.10
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall(Sunway University College)
Date: Friday, 05.03.10
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Come and support your Bands, Dance Crews, and most importantly FRIENDS! in their endeavor to impress the JUDGES to be a performer @ "Velvet Charity Concert" !
So Clap Those Hands, Strain Those Ears, and Pick Up Your Feet and Stroll them down to the MPH THIS FRIDAY @ 6pm!
See You There!
"A concert needs both the audience and the performers!"
For more information log on to.
Velvet Charity Concert AUDITION:
Velvet Charity CONCERT:
Next Post: UPDATE on TICKETING!!! & (most important) EVENT SET LIST!!!
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